Security Architecture Options
Authorization Rules
Public Subscriptions and Workspaces
4448: Google security warning displayed. Fixed double redirect parameter issue
4497: Support ServicePrincipal authentication to StorageAccount and Queue
4573: Improve logic for checking if service principal is mandatory
4652: ServicePrincipal Authorization filter in order to execute API calls using ServicePrincipal credentials
4680: Secrets are not deleted using user credentials, but using Service Principal Managed Identity
4661: Check service-principal/managed-identity should call ServicePrincipal scim API to verify if it's present in workspace, not list jobs.
support multiple Security Architecture Options
Bug 4885: Duplicate notebook analysis due to a time race condition
Bug 4890: [UI] All Purpose monitor filter not working correctly
Bug 4878: Tooltips not visible on Cost breakdown when white theme is used
Bug 4881: On Reports page, the icons for column title dropdowns are not visible when white theme is used
Bug 4790: Misconsidered unused time sections
Bug 4877: Tab icons not visible on Reports page when white theme is used
Bug 4449: Empty cost data in Cost Tenant Subscription env
Bug 4458: Autoscaling segment too short for streaming jobs spanning multiple days
Removed the databricks based adjustments of start time, end time.
Bug 4455: Decrease size of background login image
Bug 4456: Unnecessary config request is made
Bug 4451: Overview - entity label spans 2 rows
Bug 4461: Miscalculate cluster termination status by cluster events
Bug 4465: Fix analysis task priorities
Bug 4388: Enable monitoring on all jobs warning - columns move when the page is changed
Bug 4389: Enable monitoring on all jobs warning - notification window changes size when the page is changed
Bug 4457: Sorting by index of VM cost distribution does not work
Bug 4467: Fix cpu & memory metrics for in progress job runs
Bug 4444: Incorrect cost reporting for pipeline updates that run over multiple days
Bug 4492: In progress run not displayed on job runs
Bug 4502: I click on the STOP button and nothing happens for consumption loading / run history
Bug 4511: Fix consumption loading steps status calculation
Bug 4485: Jobs with sql tasks display incorrect provisioning status
Bug 4532: Overview - actual data bars are not visible
Bug 4534: java.lang.ClassCastException thrown when repairing telemetry
Bug 4346: Task metrics of a notebook ran on a single node cluster don't get analyzed
Bug 4544: Fix cluster idleness cost start_time computation
Truncate cluster idleness
granularity to secondsConsumption loading fail caused by cluster idleness cost primary-key error
Bug 4537: Duplicate job and pipeline analysis errors on demo
Bug 4542: Create/link secret scope should not enable “Already exists”
Bug 4543: Service Principal enabled should not say optional
Bug 4562: Fix for correct avg/max/total duration of the job runs
inconsistency in the reported duration for jobs
Bug 4570: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint on notebook analysis
Bug 4576: NPE exception when repairing workspace telemetry
Bug 457: Fix cloudshell deployment scenario
Bug 4586: Job reports page changes build - Sorting by name does not work
Bug 4591: Repair telemetry throws exceptions for SKIPPED runs
Bug 3747: Notebooks runs distribution is duplicated in case REDACTED_LOCAL_PART is present in the name of the notebook
Bug 4548: overview totals for December should be the same across the different classification, Provider, Resource or Service
Bug 4631: add missing colon after Jobs label
Bug 4632: Hide border in the tooltip when no selection
Bug 4621: Barcharts not proportional with cost
Bug 4636: [overview] When resizing the browser window, the X axis values on the graph extend outside the container
Bug 4650: Fix pagination for reports
Bug 4554: 403 Forbidden error when getting job details as regular user
Bug 4637: Missing empty validation for date range on runs view
Bug 4635: Update cache endpoint called on reports page even if the user didn't change the workspace
Bug 4542: Create/link secret scope should have “Already exists” checkbox as default to false
Bug 4236: Telemetry analysis details/Cluster idleness - date incorrectly displayed
Bug 4666: When going back from all purpose clusters detailed view to overview no get requests are made
Bug 4665: Pipeline updates reporting is not authorized
Bug 4727: Cluster idleness is not computed correctly
Bug 4731: NPE when managedIdentityAppId not configured and we run with service principal as background processors
Bug 4583: Secret scope button disabled for no reason
Bug 4738: Nested runs are not displayed as such
Bug 4734: Search is enabled when no workspace is selected
Bug 4584: Enable monitor on all jobs display empty list with jobs that cannot be monitorized
Bug 4633: consumption run history: switching page should scroll up and when reopening it it should be on page 1 again
Bug 4718: Skew Analysis Cannot Scroll
Bug 4743: Always open the run history on its first page
Bug 4403: Enable monitoring on all purpose-clusters seems successful when clusters are not actually monitored
Bug 4634: Filters bar scrolls off the screen while report view cuts off and has it's own scroll bar
Bug 4742: Change the error message displayed when the user is not authorized to access the runs of a particular job
Bug 4792: The view doesn't scroll up when switching pages in the Warning pop-up
Bug 4633: [UI] consumption run history: switching page should scroll up and when reopening it it should be on page 1 again
Last commit id: cbd8ebe1d