Open up a PowerShell in the Azure portal.
Run the below code snippet to download the deployment archive, tool and unzip it, and change directory into the newly expanded archive:
Unzip using:
Code Block wget https://bplmdemoappstg.blob.core.windows.net/deployment/vm-azure/test/comparetool.zip unzip comparetool -d lho cd lho
Once the compare tool is extracted. You will need to run the script. Simply type, “compare“./compare.ps1” and the script will run
The script now prompts to input the subscription name or ID using:id, and the 1st and 2nd resources to compare
Code Block |
Please enter the Subscription ID or Name: a9190ff-124141-f1341241-fafa Please enter the name of the first resource: mm-lho Please enter the name of the second resource: mm-lho-2 |