✨ Release Highlights
11208 - navigable (clickable) path navigation for Workloads
11743 - ucm unpublished workspace Unity Catalog Migration Assessment extended to unpublished workspaces
Spend Insights / Workspace cost breakdown
Spend Insights / Planning
Spend Insights / Workspace Cost By Month
📊 Spend Insights / Workspace cost breakdown
cost breakdown by workspace and by feature definition
find cost outliers in a workspace by feature categories
e.g. find the workspace with the most usage of All-Purpose Compute in the past 3 months
support cost breakdown details (cost breakdown toggle) to display Cloud vs Databricks cost per feature category
cost distribution by resource per workspace
cost distribution by provider (cloud vs Databricks) per workspace
🏦 Spend Insights / Planning
view spend by Year to Date or for previous years
configure budget per month
configure yearly commit for Cloud or Databricks
compare actual and projected spend for current month
view projected spend for next month
preview top spend by tag group
compare top spend by month or by week for complete periods
top workspaces by spend
📊 Spend Insights / Cost By Month
cost by month trends with detailed cost breakdown
supports MoM $ and % trends
customizable graphs to enable cost analysis
enable / disable rows to show on the bar chart
support Nat gateway and Storage breakdown, currently with selection disabled
cost breakdown by resource
🔭 Unity Catalog Assessment
11684 - cost and performance tabs on incidents page are always expanded
11136 - included a dropdown in incident policies to navigate directly to other entities
11522 - Menu Settings // Unity Catalog Migration, Analysis Management, and Provisioning
🔔 Notifications
11623 - last system toast is saved in notifications
11810 - latest performance and cost incidents notification
Performance Optimizations
11812 - added indexes for speeding up the daily cost aggregation
🎛️ Configuration & Provisioning