Table of Contents |
Step 1. Create Resource Group
Create the resource group where all the LHM dependent resources will reside.
SQL Server database: used for storing the output of the analyzer and consumption data processors, feeds all the data required by the reports and dashboards
Step 2. Create Storage Account
Inside that resource group create a storage account, with two file shares called
Step 3. Create a KeyVault
more about secrets management here:
Step 4. Create a Azure SQL Server with Azure SQL Database
Create a Azure SQL Server and inside it create a Azure SQL Database with SQL authentication enabled.
Step 5. Create Database secret
The password you will save as a secret in the Key Vault with the following secret name:mssql-password
more about secrets management here:
Step 6. Create a Azure App Registration
Create a Azure App Registration and fill in the Redirect URI with the following value:
see more details here:
Step 7. Edit App Roles
On the App Roles section in the Azure App Registration configuration panel, you can create the LHM admin and user roles which you can later use to control users access to the Lakehouse MonitorOptimizer.
see more details here:
Step 8. Create Client Secret
Create a client secret for your Application and save the secret in the KeyVault you’ve created with the following secret name msft-provider-auth-secret
see more details here:
Step 9. Create Managed Identity
Create a managed Identity that will be used by the Application to communicate to the keyvault and storage account.
LHM uses system-assigned managed identity
read more details here:
Step 10. Provide storage access to the SP
In order for the app to use the Service Principal to access the storage account you’ll need to:
Add the Contributor role to the Managed Identity you’ve created
Open the Storage Account
Go to Access Control (IAM)
Click on Add and follow the instructions to add the Contributor role to the Managed Identity
Add a permission mask on the container you’re going to be using in order for the Managed Identity to be able to write on it
From the Storage Account view, open the Containers section
Go to the container that will be used by LHM (the name of it is reflected within the
environment variable)Go to Manage ACL
Click on Add principal and follow the steps to a mask for the Managed Identity
Make sure, once added, that you check all checkboxes for this new entry: Read, Write, Execute in order to give it access to use the container
Step 11. Edit Keyvault Access policies
Add the necessary access policy on the Key Vault so the managed identity is able to list and read secrets from it.
In the Azure Portal, go to your KeyVault created in step 3.
In the left hand sidebar click on Access Policies
Click on Create
From the Secrets section check
as the permissions to be addedSearch for the Managed Identity created on step 9 and select it. Click Next.
Skip the Application step as it’s optional
Click Create
Step 12. Configure SSL Communication
For SSL communication you need to create a keystore containing your server private key and certificate. The keystore will be named bplm.p12
and have no password.
Code Block |
openssl pkcs12 -export -out bplm.p12 -inkey ssl.key -in ssl.crt |
Step 13. Create YAML definitions
Create YAML definition for the containers
Code Block |
apiVersion: '2019-12-01' location: <location> name: <name of your container instance> properties: containers: - name: lakehouse-monitor properties: environmentVariables: - name: APPLICATION_LOG_HTTPHEADER value: false - name: APPSERVICE_URL value: <FQDN> - name: AZURE_KEYVAULT_ENABLED value: true - name: AZURE_KEYVAULT_TENANTID value: <KV tenantID> - name: AZURE_KEYVAULT_URI value: <KV URL> - name: AZURE_MANAGED_IDENTITY_ID value: <managed identity objectID> - name: AZURE_MANAGED_IDENTITY_APP_ID value: <managed identity clientID> - name: LOG_LEVEL value: info - name: LOG_LEVEL_APP value: info - name: LOG_LEVEL_HTTP_HEADERS value: error - name: USE_SP_FOR_BACKGROUND_PROCESSORS value: true - name: USE_SP_FOR_STORAGE_ACCOUNT value: true - name: MICROSOFT_PROVIDER_AUTHENTICATION_SECRET value: ${msft-provider-auth-secret} - name: SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_SECRET value: ${msft-provider-auth-secret} - name: SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENTID value: <sp clientID> - name: SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_OBJECTID value: <sp objectID> - name: SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_TENANTID value: <sp tenantID> - name: SQL_DATABASE value: <sql database name> - name: SQL_SERVER_HOST value: <sql server host> - name: SQL_USER value: <sql username> - name: SQL_PASSWORD value: ${mssql-password} - name: STORAGE_AZURE_ACCOUNT value: <storage account name> - name: STORAGE_AZURE_CONTAINER value: lakehouse-monitor - name: CLOUD_PROVIDER value: azure - name: AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER value: active-directory - name: SERVER_SERVLET_SESSION_PERSISTENT value: true - name: SERVER_SSL_ENABLED value: true - name: SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE value: /keystore/bplm.p12 # - name: SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD # value: bplm # - name: SERVER_SSL_KEY_ALIAS # value: bplm # - name: SERVER_SSL_KEY_PASSWORD # value: bplm - name: SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE_TYPE value: PKCS12 - name: METRIC_PROCESSOR_ENABLED value: true - name: METRIC_PROCESSOR_DOCTOR_INITIAL_DELAY value: PT1M - name: CONSUMPTION_USE_PREFILTER value: false - name: ADMIN_APP_ROLE value: <admin role value> - name: EXECUTIVE_APP_ROLE value: <executive role value> - name: AUTHORIZATION_CACHE_TIMEOUT value: 1800 - name: SERVER_PORT value: 80443 image: ports: - port: 443 - port: 80 resources: requests: cpu: 4 memoryInGB: 8 volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/log name: logs - mountPath: /keystore name: keystore imageRegistryCredentials: - server: username: <ACR Username> password: <ACR Password> osType: Linux restartPolicy: Always ipAddress: type: Public ports: - port: 443 - port: 80 dnsNameLabel: <dns label> volumes: - name: logs azureFile: sharename: <name of share for the logs> storageAccountName: <storage account name where the share is created> storageAccountKey: <storage account key> - name: keystore azureFile: sharename: <name of share for the logs> storageAccountName: <storage account name where the share is created> storageAccountKey: <storage account key> tags: {} type: Microsoft.ContainerInstance/containerGroups |
Step 14. Create Containers
Create the containers:
recommended minimum 8 cores