9432 - Expose UC migration job run duration
9487 - Expose UC Migration current step progress
9495 - Add timestamp and workspaceId in the UCM Assessment download files
9497 - Display Notebook Path for UCM
9524 - UCM add customer url in the downloadable file names
Workloads // Workflows
9470 - add tooltip for Incidents Ratio column
9301 - enhance tooltip description and icons for Workloads overview
9507 - rename "Nodes" to "Executors" in cluster histograms view
📊 Analysis Optimizations
9449 - Wrong redirection after changing the date on APCs > Clusters page
9203 - cluster instances badge appears for each task . it should only be in the job run summary, not per task
9445 - Shortcut to Cluster Instances Autoscaling Timeline and Cluster Instances Activity Histogram not working properly
9219 - show the total number of executors as the count of items in the list for cluster cpu/memory details