Step 1) Required Resources
Lakehouse Monitor Optimizer requires the following resources to already be created:
Step 2) Configuration Prerequisites
AWS Secrets Manager needs to be configured with the following secret key value pairs. Suggested name for the secret is ‘bplm-credentials’:
- Optional, AWS Access Key used for accessing Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon SQS by the telemetry agentstorage-secret-key
- Optional, AWS Secret Key used for accessing Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon SQS by the telemetry agentNote: DynamoDB is the telemetry data store, access from the LHM LHO services or telemetry agents in Databricks workspaces can be enabled either with the access key/secret key pair or via IAM Roles/Credentials and Instance Profiles, in which case the key pair above becomes optional
- Databricks service account usernameservice-account-password
- Databricks service account passwordNote: the Databricks service account is required for access to the Billable Usage Logs of Databricks Accounts API. These logs will fuel all the consumption reports at the Databricks account, workspace, job, job run, task run, nested notebook, cluster, notebook, dlt pipeline, dlt update etc level in the tool and it will help prioritize optimization efforts.
It is a Databricks Account user with user name username and password, since the only authentication supported by the Databricks Accounts API is username/pwdpassword.
- SQL Login password for the SQL Databaseapplication-encryption-secret
- encryption key for storing PATs (Personal Access Tokens) and the Databricks Accounts credentials (billable usage logs) in the LHM LHO SQL databasemsft-provider-auth-secret
- Optional, Client secret value from azure app registrationNote: The Service Principal secret key is needed in case you want LHM LHO configured with Azure Active Directory for login and SSL. If you choose to use Databricks authentication only this is not needed and the secret can be omitted.
Step 3) Installation procedure
1. SSH into the BPLM VM configured at Step 1) Required Resources.
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Before you start setup you need to fill out the .env file with the required information). Open the file in your editor of choice and fill in the values.
Please find a brief explanation of the .env values below
Code Block |
LOG_LEVEL=info LOG_LEVEL_APP=info LOG_LEVEL_HTTP_HEADERS=error APPSERVICE_URL=<eg:> SQL_DATABASE=master SQL_SERVER_HOST=<eg: or endpoint DNS name> SQL_USER=<eg:sql_admin> STORAGE_AWS_REGION=<eg:us-west-1> STORAGE_AWS_TABLE_PREFIX=bplm AWS_SECRETS_MANAGER_ENABLED=true AWS_SECRETS_MANAGER_REGION=<eg:us-west-1> BPLM_SECRET_NAME=<name of the secrets manager secret> SERVER_SSL_ENABLED=true SERVER_SSL_KEY-STORE=/keystore/bplm.p12 SERVER_SSL_KEY-STORE-PASSWORD= SERVER_SSL_KEY-STORE-TYPE=PKCS12 SERVER_SSL_KEY-ALIAS=bplm SERVER_SSL_KEY-PASSWORD= SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENTID=<eg: 925accb1-8506-4ec4-a90b-b1b0e6d8a5eb> SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_TENANTID=<eg: 03786a4c-412b-4fac-a981-b4c5bcbc55b7> #SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENTSECRET=${msft-provider-auth-secret} DATABRICKS_ACCOUNT_ID=<eg: 56293882-89e7-4ecd-a5f7-cb61e68a54f0> DATARICKS_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL=<eg: 48de6ad6-ff14-403d-b842-d4ce5da4662f> ACTIVE-DIRECTORY_HOST= ACTIVE-DIRECTORY_TOKEN-ENDPOINT=/oauth2/v2.0/token ACTIVE-DIRECTORY_AUTHORIZE-ENDPOINT=/oauth2/v2.0/authorize ACTIVE-DIRECTORY_JWK-ENDPOINT=/discovery/keys ACTIVE-DIRECTORY_USER-INFO-URI= CLOUD_PROVIDER=AWS AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER=databricks-account,active-directory SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=production-aws SERVER_SERVLET_SESSION_PERSISTENT=true SERVER_SERVLET_SESSION_STORE_DIR=/home/ubuntu/spring-session/session ADMIN_APP_ROLE=bplm-admin METRIC_PROCESSOR_ENABLED=true STORAGE_THROUGH_IAM_CREDENTIALS=true #metric.queueMonitoring.compactionTimeout=PT25M APPLICATION_NOTIFICATION_JOBNOTIFICATIONQUEUENAME=<prefix for sqs names> #CONSUMPTION_BILLABLE_USAGE_PATH=s3a://{{s3-bucket}}/dbx-costs/billable-usage/csv #CROSS_ACCOUNT_ASSUME_IAM_ROLE_AGENT= #CROSS_ACCOUNT_ASSUME_IAM_ROLE_S3_DBX_BILLING_APP= #CROSS_ACCOUNT_ASSUME_IAM_ROLE_DYNAMO_SQS_APP= #CROSS_ACCOUNT_ASSUME_IAM_ROLE_COST_EXPLORER_APP= #CROSS_ACCOUNT_ASSUME_IAM_ROLE_TAG_WORKSPACE_RESOURCE_APP= # Configuration example from cross account assume roles #CROSS_ACCOUNT_ASSUME_IAM_ROLE_COST_EXPLORER_APP=arn:aws:iam::<aws-account>:role/bplm-dev-costexplorer-role,arn:aws:iam::153067919175:role/examplempl-of-xaccount-permission-role-for-cost-explorer-and-tagz #CROSS_ACCOUNT_ASSUME_IAM_ROLE_TAG_WORKSPACE_RESOURCE_APP=arn:aws:iam::<aws-account>:role/vt-bplm-test-multi-aws-acc-tags,arn:aws:iam::153067919175:role/example-of-xaccount-permission-role-for-cost-explorer-and-tagz #CROSS_ACCOUNT_ASSUME_IAM_ROLE_DYNAMO_SQS_APP=arn:aws:iam::<aws-account>:role/bplm-dev-dynamosqs-role #CROSS_ACCOUNT_ASSUME_IAM_ROLE_AGENT=arn:aws:iam::<aws-account>:role/bplm-dev-dynamosqs-collector-role #CROSS_ACCOUNT_ASSUME_IAM_ROLE_S3_DBX_BILLING_APP=arn:aws:iam::153067919175:role/xaccount-s3-accesss-role |
Note: due to the docker version provided by CentOS the SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENTSECRET
can not be pulled from the secrets manager.
4. Run ./ providing the domain you wish to create an SSL cert for, the version of the lakehouse monitorLakehouse Optimizer, and an admin email that will be used to configure certbot’s notifications when creating an SSL certificate.
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If you do not currently have a registered DNS entry for the lakehouse monitorLakehouse Optimizer, you can skip setting up SSL certs by not supplying the |
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eg: ./ --cert_domain "" --version 2.35.0 --email_certbot |