Conduit Services
In order to see all services that make Conduit working, navigate to Settings -> Service Management.
Conduit services
Conduit Storage - used for:
connector / datasource metadata and schemas
contains logs from Conduit server
uses Elasticsearch
Log Indexer
logs indexer
uses LogStash
pushes logs from Conduit server to Conduit storage
one service per Conduit instance
graphical interface to read / query logs from Conduit Storage
this is where we search for correlationIds
see Conduit logs for more details
service that stores metrics from Conduit server
e.g. how many times this method has been called
e.g. how much time does this method take
this runs on each Conduit server instance
graphical interface to display metrics
e.g. latency, throughput
see Conduit metrics configuration for more details
contains configurations for Conduit
provides leader election mechanism
for Conduit, for Spark
graphical interface for Conduit
Hive Metastore
used by Spark to validate query syntax
holds Spark tables, datasets schemas
Conduit Server
Conduit engine
here is where the connections to databases and virtualization takes place
Conduit Master
has Spark master
Conduit Worker
has Spark worker
Conduit ports
Conduit uses the following ports by default:
80 - for http connections to Conduit Proxy
443 - for https connections to Conduit Proxy
10002 - for thrift connections to Conduit server
22 - for ssh access to the virtual machine hosting Conduit services
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