Azure Function for Lakehouse Optimizer Permissions setup script

Azure Function for Lakehouse Optimizer Permissions setup script

The following provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and utilizing the capabilities of the Azure Function for LHO Permissions setup script within your Azure environment.


This page contains:

  • script to grant permissions to Lakehouse Optimizer service principal

  • instructions to setup an automated mechanism to grant same permissions to LHO for newly added assets in a Databricks Workspace


The service principal used by LHO requires permissions to be granted to it in order to access both Databricks Workspaces and assets managed by workspaces. These access rights can be granted via the python_provisiong.py script, which requires an admin Databricks account to grant permissions.

If new assets (workflows, notebooks, clusters) are added in a workspace, then the LHO service principal needs permission to access those assets as well. This can be done automatically by adding the previous script as an Azure Function that runs recurrently on scheduled basis.


Setup azcli

Install azcli core tool from Azure on your local machine

If core tools have been installed correctly, then func --version should work and return the current version.

Login with azcli

Run az login

How to create the Azure Function

Step 1. In the Azure Portal create a new resource group
This resource group is used to group all assets related to this Azure Function.


Step 2. Create a new function locally

Run the following in command line.

func init az_functions --python -m V1 cd az_functions


Step 3. Edit the requirements.txt file generated and append the following to it

certifi==2023.5.7 charset-normalizer==3.1.0 databricks-sdk==0.1.8 idna==3.4 requests==2.28.2 urllib3==1.26.16


Step 4. Create the storage account needed for the function

az storage account create --name lhmgrant --resource-group <YOUR_RESOURCE_GROUP> -sku Standard_LRS


Step 5. Create a new function based on the Timer trigger template

func new --name lhm-grant --template "Timer trigger"


Step 6. Download the python_provisioning.py and azure_main.py into the new function directory lhm-grant



Step 7. Edit azure_main.py and provide needed information for the grant code


Step 8. Change the cron schedule inside lhm-grant/function.json

func init will create a file function.json


Step 9. Change the lhm-grant/__init__.py file to call the grant function

import datetime import logging import azure.functions as func from .azure_main import main as m def main(mytimer: func.TimerRequest) -> None: m()


Step 10. Create the Azure Portal FunctionApp

az functionapp create --resource-group <YOUR_RESOURCE_GROUP> --runtime python --runtime-version 3.7 --functions-version 4 --name lhm-grant --os-type linux --storage-account lhmgrant --consumption-plan-location <CONSUMPTION_PLAN_LOCATION>


Step 11. Publish the app

func azure functionapp publish lhm-grant



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