Lakehouse Optimizer (LHO) Azure Marketplace Installation Readiness Checklist

Have built-in role of Contributor or higher on the Azure Subscription where you plan to install LHO
Use a subscription and region that allows the Azure resources listed below
Region chosen has at least eight available Total Regional vCPUs
To configure workspaces for analysis in LHO you will need to be a Databricks Admin or higher role in Databricks.
To create an App Registration in Azure you will need a role of Cloud Application Administrator or higher in Entra ID (formerly Active Directory)
While configuring LHO for cost analysis, you will need to grant an Azure role of Billing Reader to each subscription you want to run analysis on. To do so, you will need a built-in role of User Access Administrator or higher in each subscription you wish to configure and setup.

Provisioning on Subscription

It is possible that your IT department might limit what can be installed on a given tenant or subscription. Most of the resources installed by the Azure Marketplace installation process are pretty standard web application components, but feel free to send this list to your IT department if you want to double check what they will allow before you begin.

Azure resource requirements

Azure Resource Requirements

  • Virtual network + supporting networking components

  • Virtual machine

  • SQL Server and database

  • Storage account

  • Keyvault

  • Entra ID (Azure AD) app registration, service principal, and client secret

Resource Provider Registrations

The following resource providers must be registered in the subscription into which the LHO will be deployed:

Resource providers and resource types - Azure Resource Manager

  • Microsoft.Network

  • Microsoft.Storage

  • Microsoft.KeyVault

  • Microsoft.Resources

  • Microsoft.Sql

  • Microsoft.Compute