2.9.2 Release Notes
✨ Release Highlights
performance improvements
cluster instances CPU and Memory charts
admins can see more data in LHO
🖥️ Workloads // All purpose clusters
8033 - Cluster instances mem/cpu graphs
navigation: select an all purpose cluster → then click on the cluster instance → cpu/memory graphs per instance
supports single node and multiple KPIs comparison
supports multiple nodes and single KPI comparison
Cluster Driver – supports single node and multiple KPIs comparison
Cluster Executor 0 – supports single node and multiple KPIs comparison
CPU evolution for Cluster Driver and Executor – multiple nodes and single KPI comparison
8017 - Change authorization on reports
user is LHO ADMIN
orworkspace tier is STANDARD
then LHO returns ALL data for that usere.g. in other words if I’m an LHO ADMIN, on a Premium Workspace I can see all entities regardless of the DBX authorization rules
this change allows the LHO Admin to see resources that were deleted or created by users who are not active anymore (e.g. users deactivated in Databricks) but still have workloads active
Performance Optimizations
8265 - Limit OOM dump files size
8253 - Improve latency of building the cost estimation report
8247 - Reduce default value for SPARK_MAX_NUMBER_OF_CORES
🪩 UX Optimizations
8282 - support pagination for cluster instance charts view
Operational Management // Telemetry Analysis
8288 - Add JVM stats in the analyzer audit
8173 - update how the primary and secondary tabs are saved in the URL
improve user-friendliness of URL parameters