2.16.0 Release Notes


✨ Release Highlights

  • export Unity Catalog Migration Assessment data

  • new trend-lines

    • Execution Hourly $ Rate

    • Processed GB $ Rate

    • Data Processed


🔭 Unity Catalog Assessment

  • 9920 - Export UC Migration tables to UnityCatalog

export assements


Workloads // Workflows

  • 9847 - trends per SINGLE / MULTIPLE Cluster "cost / execution time" and "cost / data processed"

    • Execution Hourly $ Rate

    • Processed GB $ Rate


Open a Workflow, select a date range and click on the Trend tab to view different trends.

Step (1) Open detailed view of a Workflow

detailed view of a Workflow

Step (2) Select the Trend view for that Workflow

Step (3) Select the KPI to view for that Workflow


Execution Hourly $ Rate

Processed GB $ Rate


  • 9347 - add Data Processed, Data In, Data Out, Shuffle In, Shuffle out as options for the Trends // Tasks view and Clusters views


✅ Incidents & Recommendations

  • 9937 - use the cluster instances badge with count and add it before the cluster instances selector in the recommendations view


  • 9976 - Update recommended VM sorting - prioritize VM rate above other criteria

    • Update recommended VM sorting. The following criteria will be used in this order (as fallbacks to one another, i.e. for node types having same values in more priority criteria):

      • sort by price/hourly rate (DESC for over-provisioning, ASC for under-provisioning, so as to provide first the VMs with the rates closest to the current one)

      • prioritize node types from same family

      • prioritize node types from same class

      • sort by memory (DESC for over-provisioning, ASC for under-provisioning)

      • sort by cores count (DESC for over-provisioning, ASC for under-provisioning)

      • the nodes with incomplete rates are shown last.

      The scale down sorting order applies to over-provisioning and imbalanced-provisioning incidents.
      The scale up sorting order applies to under-provisioning and spillage incidents.


🎛️ Configuration & Provisioning

  • 9970 - added support for volumes init script

    • Settings -> Provisioning & Permissions -> Databricks Workspaces

  • 9997 - Settings / System update should allow user to enable monitoring on all workspaces

  • 9953 - Provision entire system with default values



  • 8458 - Use the same timeout value for the cache that holds subscriptions and all other resources


🐞 Fixed Bugs

  • 9907 - fix incomplete clusters idleneness estimated cost processing and detection

  • 10000 - on cluster instances list view it's hard to see the tasks on light theme