2.11.3 Release Notes
✨ Release Highlights
performance improvements
🖥️ Workloads // All purpose clusters
8815 - Consider job run retry number when returning cluster instances
✅ Incidents & Recommendations
8800 - Only retrieve notebooks incidents for the current appId in Recommendations&Incidents
8798 - Send startime and endtime for notebook recommendations API
8143 - No longer store historical shutdown timeout incidents for APC&pool definitions
8813 - add job id information to RecommendationAPI for jobs
8835 - Publish / Unpublish workspaces should be available for bplm admins in AWS
Performance Optimizations
8525 - latency improvement when listing workflows/APCs/DLTs on provisioning page
8683 - Remove unnecessary checks from cluster events detection queries
🐞 Fixed Bugs
8795 - Fix badges overlap and add assetType and assetId params
8801 - Wrong number of incidents displayed on pipeline update view